
Akamai Media Player

Demo Page:

Page Description HTML file
Simple Implementation A simple implementation of the AMP Standard player simple.html - (Flash) (HTML) (External)
Advanced Implementation An advanced page integration sample advanced.html - (Flash) (HTML) (External)
Configuration The demonstration configuration file amp/amp.json


Page Description HTML file
Accessibility Sample implementation for accessibility accessibility.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Airplay Sample Airplay integration. (Must be viewed in Safari) airplay.html - (Flash) (HTML)
JavaScript API Sample implementation of the JavaScript API api.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Audio Playback Sample implementation for audio playback audio.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Branding Sample implementation of the Branding feature branding.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - VOD / DFXP Sample implementation for close captioning captioning.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - Live / 708 Sample implementation of 708 closed captioning captioning-708.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - Live / Cue Point Sample implementation of cue point closed captioning captioning-cuepoint.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - Embedded Sample implementation for embedded closed captioning captioning-embedded.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - Multi-Language Sample implementation for multi-language captioning captioning-multi-language.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - Multi-Language: Feed Sample implementation for multi-language captioning using a feed captioning-multi-language-feed.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning Parallel Rendering Sample implementation of captioning parallel rendering captioning-parallel-rendering.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - VOD / SRT Sample implementation for close captioning captioning-srt.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - Live / Subply Sample implementation of subply Live closed captioning captioning-subply.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - VOD / Subply Sample implementation of subply VOD closed captioning captioning-subply-vod.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Captioning - WebVTT Sample implementation for close captioning using WebVTT captioning-vtt.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Chromecast Sample Chromecast integration. (Must be viewed in Chrome with Chromecast extension installed) chromecast-sender.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Chromecast Google Sender - Feeds Sample Chromecast integration. (Must be viewed in Chrome with Chromecast extension installed) chromecast-sender-feeds.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Chromecast Freewheel Sample Chromecast integration with Freewheel ads. (Must be viewed in Chrome with Chromecast extension installed) chromecast-sender-freewheel.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Chromecast Google Sender Generic implementation of a Chromecast sender using Google's APIs. (Must be viewed in Chrome with Chromecast extension installed) chromecast-sender-google.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Chromecast IMA Sample Chromecast integration with Freewheel ads. (Must be viewed in Chrome with Chromecast extension installed) chromecast-sender-ima.html - (Flash) (HTML)
CMS Embed Sample implementation for embedding the player via a CMS cms.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Dynamic Configuration Loading Sample implementation using a dynamically loaded configuration file config.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Controls Sample implementation for controls api controls.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Native Controls Sample implementation of native playback controls controls-native.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Create / Destroy Sample implementation of creation and destoruction of player instances create-destroy.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Create / Destory - Modal Div Overlay Sample implementation of creation and destruction using a modal div overlay create-destroy-modal.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH (MSE enabled browsers only) Sample implementation for MPEG DASH playback dash.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH with Captioning (MSE enabled browsers only) Sample implementation for MPEG DASH playback with captioning dash-captioning.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH with support for DRM (MSE enabled browsers only) Sample implementation for DRM protected content via MPEG DASH dash-drm.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH with support for DVR playback (MSE enabled browsers only) Sample implementation for MPEG DASH DVR playback dash-dvr.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH with support for live playback (MSE enabled browsers only) Sample implementation for MPEG DASH live playback dash-live.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH with support for Akamai Media Acceleration Sample implementation with support for Akamai Media Acceleration dash-mae.html - (Flash) (HTML)
MPEG DASH with support for Multiple Audio Tracks (MSE enabled browsers only) Sample implementation for Multiple Audio Tracks via MPEG DASH dash-multiple-audio.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Event Management Sample implementation of live event management event-management.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Event Management with IMA Ads Sample implementation of live event management with IMA ads event-management-ima.html - (Flash) (HTML)
External Playback Sample implementation of external playback external.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Flash Embed (flash only) Sample implementation embedding the flash player directly to the page. flash-embed.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Flash Multiple Player Namespacing Sample implementation showing Flash player namespacing with multiple player instances. flash-namespace.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Google Analytics Sample implementation of Google Analytics tracking googleanalytics.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HD Client (flash only) Sample implementation using Akamai's HD Client hd-client.html - (Flash) (HTML)
User Agent Hinting Sample implementation using user agent hinting hinting.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS Sample implementation for HLS playback hls.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS 708 Sample implementation for HLS with 708 captions hls-708.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS XHR with Credentials Sample implementation for live HLS XHR with Credentials hls-credentials.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS DVR Sample implementation for HLS DVR playback hls-dvr.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS ID3 Sample implementation for HLS with ID3 tags hls-id3.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS ID3 Live Sample implementation for live HLS with ID3 tags hls-id3-live.html - (Flash) (HTML)
HLS with Media Acceleration Sample implementation of HLS XHR with Akamai Media Acceleration hls-mae.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Live Sample implementation of live video live.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Localization Sample implementation for localization localization.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Long Form Content Sample implementation of long form content (duration >= 1h) long-form.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Loop Sample implementation for looped playback loop.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Media Tranform Sample implementation of media transforms media-transform.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Media Analytcis Sample implementation of the media analytics mediaanalytics.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Menu Sample menu implementation using the JavaScript API menu.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Modal Div Overlay Sample implementation of a modal div overlay modal-overlay.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Modal Div Overlay - Single Instance Sample implementation of a modal div overlay using a single instance of AMP modal-overlay-single-instance.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Muted Playback Sample implementation of muted playback muted.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Octoshape Sample implementation of the octoshape plugin octoshape.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Progressive Download Sample implementation for progressive download pdl.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Persistent Controls Sample implementation using persistent controls persistent-controls.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Inline Playback Sample implementation of inline playback playsinline.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Plugin Sample implementation of a custom player plugin plugin.html - (Flash) (HTML)
External Plugin Sample implementation of a custom player plugin from an external JS file plugin-external.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Share Sample implementation of share share.html - (Flash) (HTML)
Stats Overlay Sample implementation of Stats Overlay stats.html - (Flash) (HTML)
React UI Sample implementation of React UI react.html - (Flash) (HTML)
React UI - Live Stream Sample implementation of React UI with a live stream react-live.html - (Flash) (HTML)


Page Description HTML file
Support Support Player index.html
Support (populated) Support Player index.html


Resource File
Samples Config samples.xml
Flash Config samples.flash.xml
Audio Config